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November 2023 Newsletter

Dear Friends and Supporters,       

Thank you for your faithful your faithful support of this missionary Bible teaching ministry.

Let Us Stand With Israel In Prayer Until Jerusalem Becomes a Praise in the Earth:

“For Zion’s sake will I not hold my peace, and for Jerusalem’s sake I will not rest, until the righteousness thereof go forth as brightness, and the salvation thereof as a lamp that burns. And the Gentiles shall see your righteousness, and all kings your glory: ... You shall also be a crown of glory in the hand of the LORD, and a royal diadem in the hand of your God. ... I have set watch men upon your walls, O Jerusalem, which shall never hold their peace day nor night: you that make mention of the LORD, keep not silence, And give him no rest, till he establish, and till he makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth.” (Isaiah 62:1-3,6-7)

God Almighty is calling upon us to beseech Him in prayer, night and day, for the establishment of Israel in righteousness and peace.

Joseph Mugo, Omega Pentecostal Churches, Kianyaga, Kenya: Mugo reports that in October he ministered in churches Kamulu in Nairobi, and Kavote and Karumandi. He led a youth leaders seminar at Kianygaga. They are praising that the long spell of dry weather has ended and now the rains are there.

Community of the Assemblies of God in Africa, Congo: Kamimbi Jeremie, the Head Representative, Mukumo Jean-Pierre, his assistant, and Asende Luhangya, the Tanganyika representative, receive support.

Assemblies of God Bible College in Bukavu; Aoci Etungano, Director, reports three students are graduating. There are thirty students in the First Trimester 2023-24. Monthly support is given to eight full and part-time teachers, and three staff.

Kalembelembe Bible Institute in Fizi; Msemakweli Eangano, the new director, reports that seven young men repented in their street evangelism! Two students have been filled with the Holy Spirit. There are twelve students in the First Trimester 2023-24. Monthly support is given to five full and part-time teachers, three staff, station pastor, and the retired director. A new computer has been purchased.  

Ralph and Shirley Hagemeier, and Stephanie, Bible Outreach Ministries, International Bible College, Kalemie, Congo: Ralph writes, When God led us to the Democratic Republic of Congo, we had to believe Him for every thing. Now there are more than twenty permanent buildings, on (our campus) of 98 acres. To God be all the glory! Without Him we could have done nothing. So much thanks to all of you for your continuous help in prayer and giving.

Namugunga Kabunga, Bukavu; He is thankful for support. He asks to continue to pray for him.

Njabuka Namwira Polinne, Bukavu; She is thankful for support. Her condition is improving.

Christine Endani, Bukavu; She is thankful for support. She is doing well now.

Lulika Kileme, Kalemie; is a retired pastor.            

Kennedy Maina, Nairobi Pentecostal Bible College, Nairobi, Kenya: Kennedy writes, The Lord has continued to act in favor and great kindness to us. Of late I have embarked in teaching on the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the Lord has really made manifest the blessing of baptizing the saints with the Holy Spirit.

Pentecostal Free Church, Migori, Kenya: Dickson Odhiambo Omuga has been installed as the new chairman (bishop), and John Otura Omuga has been installed as the national secretary, after the death of Samwel Ratanga, the founder of the P.F.C. They are thankful for the guidance in registering the P.F.C., giving towards the construction of the Nyamware Cathedral, the support for the hospital and funeral expenses for Ratanga, and for the support of Christabel, the widow of Ratanga. John Omuga writes, We are still reaping from your many years of ministry. We are doing everything we can to reach our community with the love of God. Nelson Odongo writes, I wish to clarify that the Church has gained momentum and new members are being converted and filled with the Holy Spirit. During the August 2023 convention the church experienced an influx in new members. The convention was attended by many members and other invited churches. Many people repented and welcomed Jesus in their lives, mostly youths and middle-aged groups.

Ruth Scott Kellie, Nanyuki: Ruth is thankful for the funds received. She is doing okay but has arthritis in her right arm and hand which makes it difficult to write. She asks God’s blessing on us.

Pastor Samwel Chibini, Molo: writes he will share his funds with church members, who are not coming to church because they cannot find work or purchase food. Pray for families who are facing difficult times.

Geoffrey Kimani, Ministry of Sons Fellowship, Nakuru; He is recovering from an eye operation.

Stephen Pinto, First Assembly of Zion, Bangalore, India: Pinto writes, As we began this year, the Word we received from the Lord is “Season to Build”. Wherefore focus has been on equipping ourselves on the foundations of the Gospel as individuals and teams at Zion, that we may be grounded to flow in the plan that the Lord has purposed for us as a body. The Sunday service stays on our vision in “Making HIM Known”. The Sunday school is studying the Judges of Israel. The Zion Women’s Fellowship is focusing on practicality and application of Godly principles, with a marriage seminar. The Pastor’s Conference equips pastors and widows of late Pastors. Mercy Ministries continues to support children from under-privileged homes. The Lord continues to enable us to support our branch church in Hyderabad, and Karnataka.

          Pinto and his wife will be ministering in the capital Abidjan, of  Ivory Coast for a the week of November 5 to 11, at the Evangelistic Church of the Assemblies of God. Pray for the anointing, and for safety.

John and Gloria Tressel, French World Missions, Pfastaff, (Alsace) France: Gloria writes, We have just returned from Times of Refreshing, a missionary conference in Switzerland. John and I have been working five to six hours every day for several months now, on our own new church building after two years. There were several court cases against the church from the local apartment owners. They simply refused to have an evangelical church in their development. We are hoping to be in place by the end of 2023. They will have an outreach to the Arab community, the homeless, and this particular housing development of several thousand people in about fifteen high-rise buildings. They thank us for our monthly support.

Thank You for Your Prayers and Financial Support: We praise God for providing to help support the ministries above. Thank you for your prayerful support for this missionary Bible teaching ministry. You may send your donations to one of the post box addresses in the signature block below. Designated funds are forwarded entirely. The Lord bless you.

Yours together in His harvest,

Charles Willner


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