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Kalembelembe Bible Institute,

Democratic Republic of Congo:
This Bible School is raising up ministers of the Community of Assemblies of God in Africa (CADAF). Since 1993, OWM has been supplementing teacher salaries, has purchased curriculum materials, and after the civil war in 2006, OWM rebuilt the dormitory.

Our Partners:

Over many years of missionary ministry, the Lord has led us to partners, each with their own callings from God, who have proven themselves to be faithful through many adversities.  Below is a brief description of how the Lord brought them into association with our missionary Bible teaching ministry.


Joseph & Josephine Mugo

Omega Pentecostal Churches, Kianyaga, Kenya, East Africa:


As Charles Willner was walking to Meru town in 1974, the Lord spoke to him that Mugo was coming.  Willner had asked all of the instructors at Harvest Fields Bible School in Nairobi if they would come and help him expand the work in Meru district.  All of them refused, even Joseph Mugo.  But unknown to Willner, Mugo did come to Meru town to check out the Overcomer Teaching Center which Willner had started in Meru town.  Then when a chartered bus from Kirinyaga district arrived at a convention in Tharu in Meru district, there was Joseph and Josephine Mugo sitting in the front seat.  When asked what they were doing there, they replied that they had come to work with the Willners.  Their children and luggage had all come with them on the bus...

Kalembelembe Bible Institute

Fizi, Congo


The administrative council of the Community of the Assemblies of God in Africa (C.A.D.A.F.) had purposed to start a Bible school in Fizi while the Willners were resident missionaries in Kalemie, Shaba Province, D.R.C.  Charles Willner was on their council from 1982 to 1984....

Melody, Stephanie, Shirley, Ralph   Hage
Ralph & Shirley Hagemeier and Stephenie

Kigoma, Tanzania, Africa


Ralph and Shirley Hagemeiers came with several volunteers in September, 1985.  They moved and expanded the Agape Bible Institute that the Willners and Gardners had developed.  Ralph purchased twenty acres and was given twenty acres from the government to develop into a Bible school and private schools.  At first, army tents were used to house students and class rooms.  Then dormitories, an office, a dining room, teacher's residences, and more dormitories were built.  Today there are facilities for eighty boarding Bible school students...

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