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Joseph Mugo, cir. 1984

Joseph & Josephine Mugo

Omega Pentecostal Churches, Kianyaga, Kenya, East Africa:


As Charles Willner was walking to Meru town in 1974, the Lord spoke to him that Mugo was coming.  Willner had asked all of the instructors at Harvest Fields Bible School in Nairobi if they would come and help him expand the work in Meru district.  All of them refused, even Joseph Mugo.  But unknown to Willner, Mugo did come to Meru town to check out the Overcomer Teaching Center which Willner had started in Meru town.  Then when a chartered bus from Kirinyaga district arrived at a convention in Tharu in Meru district, there was Joseph and Josephine Mugo sitting in the front seat.  When asked what they were doing there, they replied that they had come to work with the Willners.  Their children and luggage had all come with them on the bus. 


When another missionary asked who Willner was going to turn the work over to when he left, Willner told him that he would turn it over to Joseph Mugo.  The missionary said he would never last.  But Mugo has endured faithfully even till now.  Mugo and the Meru pastors remained faithful in spirit of Mugo being arrested on false charges, and after two deacons of the Meru town church took Mugo and Willner to court and defrauded the church fellowship of a quarter acre church plot on the main road which had been purchased. This was in spite of a title having been issued and a temporary church building having been built on it.  Pray that these deacons will one day repent and return the plot to the church fellowship.  Since then, another quarter acre church plot has been purchased on a side road of Meru town and a temporary church building has been constructed on it.


Presently there are about forty churches in the Omega Pentecostal Churches in Meru, Maua, Chuka, Kirinyaga, and Nairobi districts..  Mugo has had input into more than one hundred churches. O.W.M. has helped to construct about thirty temporary church buildings.  Presently, O.W.M. is assisting with the construction of a headquarters church.

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