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"When Faith Is Enough" Book Signing: In over 50 years of ministry, Charles has written many messages on Bible teaching, doctrine and prophecy. Fern also wrote many messages, compiling some of them in her book, "When Faith Is Enough" and in other pamphlets. You can find access to many of these articles from this page.

OWM Resources


Over the over 40 years OWM has been active, God has blessed us to have revealed so much of Himself as Charles and Fern prepared their hearts spiritually to serve.  The fruit of this preparation has been sermons, tracts, pamphlets, newsletters and Fern's book: "When Faith is Enough".  We rejoice to be able to offer many of these written resources back to you on the free-will offering basis, "Freely you have received, freely give. ... the workman is worthy of his hire." (Matthew 10:7-10).  It is exciting to realize that God is able to use these offerings yet to minister to many that we may never get to meet. We pray and hope these resources will be a blessing to you in your walk with Christ.

In addition to the monthly teachings, Open Word Ministries is committed to keeping our supporters up to date with our ministry partners. We are consistantly surprised with the amazing ways God has continued to protect, provide and heartily care for his children around the world and no more clearly than in the lives of our ministry partners. 
We are thrilled and grateful for the opportunity to share in what God is doing with you.
For more information click here:
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A variety of OWM resources are available here including Fern Willner's devotional family journal: "When Faith is Enough".  Fern's book is available for purchase but all of our pamphlets are sent out on a free-will offering basis. We do gratefully accept donations so that we can further publish these pamphlets as the Lord leads. 


Thank you for your prayers for Charles as he continues the work of the ministry while continuing to make these resources available to you.


For more information click here:



Through the years between Charles and Fern there has been prolific writing on a range of topics facing the Christian who wants to know more about end-times, to strengthen their faith, their home, their church life, to grow into deeper maturity to understand the deeper things of the heart of God and on and on. Over the course of the ministry many of these teachings were put out of print and there was no other viable way to make these resources readily available to our supporters and the body of Christ at large. We are excited to now have a place to offer many of these teachings that still remain in print in a way that is easily accessible and free. This process may take some time to get all these articles digitized and uploaded but keep checking back here for new additions. We pray these teachings encourage you in your pursuit of the knowledge of God!


For more information click here:

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