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Kalembelembe Bible Institute

Fizi, Tanganyika Province, Democratic Republic of Congo


The administrative council of the Community of the Assemblies of God in Africa (C.A.D.A.F.) had purposed to start a Bible school in Fizi while the Willners were resident missionaries in Kalemie, Shaba Province, D.R.C.  Charles Willner was on their council from 1982 to 1984.


When the Willners returned in 1993 to be resident missionaries in Bukavu, Kivu Province, Democratic Republic of Cogo, the director of K.B.I., Mugeni Wabasomba, came to ask us for support.  The Bible school ceased when the director literally passed away from malnutrition and lack of support.  


In 1998, a new director, Eciba Ekyochi was chosen to revive the school.  Ecciba wrote asking O.W.M. for support.  First O.W.M. replaced the windows and doors of the three class rooms and installed black boards.  Fifteen chairs and instructor and student tables were made.


Then in 2005, the dormitory/class room building was repaired and roofed.  During the civil war from 1996 to 2004, the old classroom building was destroyed.  So OWM purchased a high school class room building with only the walls standing.  Two of these class rooms were divided. One was made into a kitchen and class room.  The other was made into an office and class room.  The third was left as a dormitory. Please see this construction on the Projects page.


Over several years, our support increased so that we were able to pay the salaries of the director, two instructors, and a guard at a rate which is comparable with school teachers in the Congo.  OWM has also purchased fifteen beds, mattresses, blankets, mosquito nets, cooking utensils, office supplies, and planted trees.  Recently a computer, printer, and generator were purchased to reduce student costs.

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