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Cranford Memorial Clinic

Kalemie, Democratic Republic of Congo:


The Lord raised up Geri Cranford in the U.S. to help provide funding from the Cranford Memorial Fund to convert the former mission house into a maternity health clinic.  This fund contributed thousands of dollars to purchase the medications, operation table, beds and mattresses, laboratory equipment and sanitary toilets, as well to supplement the salaries of the staff over the years.  The sale of medicines, laboratory tests, and examinations paid the balance of the salaries of the nurses.  The nurses were fearless: removing facial tumors, setting broken bones, combating tropical diseases, and delivering babies in a harsh climate. This was the first clinic in Kalemie that provided pre and post-natal care.  


The work of this dispensary has carried on until this day, meeting the needs of the Kituku district of Kalemie first under the leadership of Pastor Masangu Lwenyeke. After the civil war of 1996 to 2004, under the supervision of Pastor Kitcha Malindoko, a complete maternity wing (white building) was added to the health center funded by a non-governmental organization under the United Nations.  

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Canadian Correspondence:  OPEN WORD Ministries P.O. Box 625 Niagara Falls, Ontario L2E 6V5
American Correspondence:  OPEN WORD Ministries P.O. Box 5001 Springfield, Missouri 65801
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