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June 2023 Newsletter

Dear Friends and Supporters,         

Thank you for your faithful support of this missionary Bible teaching ministry.

The Word Promises That We Are Called To Be Overcomers In These Last Days:

“But the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits. And they that understand among the people shall instruct many; yet they shall fall by the sword, and by flame, by captivity, and by spoil, many days.” (Daniel 11:32-33)

    It is becoming more and more obvious that we are entering the time of “the last days”. For people “shall be lovers of their own selves.” (2 Timothy 3:2-5) There is an all-out attack on the family and parental rights. Our schools are teaching our children against Judea-Christian culture. Our children are being taught gender confusion. Our governments are amassing huge national debts which can never be repaid causing mounting inflation. Nations are surrendering their own sovereignty to globalism. The Word of God tells us this will lead up to a one-world government, under an anti-Christ system, that will come crashing down. (Revelation 17 & 18)

    Yet our text says that the Christian “shall be strong, and do exploits. And they that understand among the people shall instruct many.” This means that we must study what the Bible says about end-time events. And, we must be “building up yourselves on our most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost.” (Jude 1:20) Above all we are promised, “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.” (Revelation 12:11)

Joseph Mugo, Omega Pentecostal Churches, Kianyaga, Kenya: Mugo reports that in May he ministered mostly at the Kirinyaga church, and in Kavote, and at Mwatate on the Coast. The Omega Pentecostal Churches are planning their convention in Maua this August. Mugo reports that the country is in a bad place. The cost of living is at an all time high. Education is in a state of confusion. Unemployment and insecurity are both on the rise. Above all, the country is broke with a terrible debt burden. Mugo requests earnest prayers for Kenya as a country. (Joseph Mugo delivered condolences on my behalf to the Ratanga family.)                   

Community of the Assemblies of God in Africa, Congo:

Assemblies of God Bible College, Bukavu: Director Aoci Etungano has returned to Bukavu to resume his ministries. There are thirty-two students in the Third Trimester 2022-23. Several students have been baptized in the Holy Spirit in chapel!

Kalembelembe Bible Institute, Fizi: Director Mulanda K. Gabriel reports that there are ten students in the Third Trimester 2022-23. They are evangelizing in the market. The second and third year students have been interning in local churches. Both of these Bible schools are so thankful for the monthly support being sent for their faculty and staff.

Other Ministries in the Congo: Bukavu; Christine Endani Samamba, and Njabuka Namwira Polinne, are both widows of pastors, and Namugunga Kabunga. He is becoming weaker, and is on oxygen, with much pain.      

in Kalemie; Lulika Kileme is a pastor, and Asende Luhangya. Asende organized a seminar. Then he went to Zambia to visit churches there. Then he went to Mtoa to fortify the church there. He reports that a pastor and his wife were killed and left seven orphans.

Ralph and Shirley Hagemeier, and Stephanie, Bible Outreach Ministries, International Bible College, Kalemie, Congo: Stephanie writes that the I.B.C. has graduated another class of students. The Hagemeiers appreciate the support sent.  The Hagemeiers visited us twice in Kalemie in 1983-84. They started their own ministries after we went home. The Hagemeiers have a primary and a secondary school with more than 1,000 day students, and a medical clinic, with free care for pregnant mothers. Stephanie ministers twice a week in the local prisons, taking food to the prisoners.

Masangu Lwanyeke, Church of the Good Shepherd, Lubumbashi, Congo: Masangu is continuing to preach and teach in the churches. He asks us not forget to pray for him.

Ruth Scott Kellie, Nanyuki, Kenya: Ruth is so thankful for the support. Pastor Samwel Chibini was in Rongai to open a new church with thirty-seven people, most of them are children and youth. He thanks us for our kindness and asks God to bless us.

Samwel Ratanga, Pentecostal Free Church, Migori, Kenya: Samwel Ratanga was buried in Migori. Ratanga’s son, Joshua Onfira was buried along with his father. Joshua died from grief for his father’s death. The family appreciated the support sent to help pay for funeral expenses. Support is now being sent for Ratanga’s widow, Christabel.

Nairobi Pentecostal Bible College, Nairobi, Kenya: Dr. Bernard Kimani reports thirty-nine students are enrolled. They come from different denominations, from Nairobi and various parts of Kenya. In addition, they host Distance Learning in many communities. Kimani thanks us for support for four of their  instructors. The facilities of N.P.B.C. were just being built in 1972, when I came to Kenya on my first missions safari. Kennedy Maina reports that they had a baptismal service in April and 102 believers were baptized! Thank God for the grace of harvesting souls.

El Tabernaculo Church, Suyapa Ramirez, Honduras: Suyapa announces they are working with youth groups. Children are being dedicated to the Lord. Next month, two groups will be graduating from Bible teaching. Suyapa says, Hello, to all who are supporting them.

French World Missions, John and Gloria Tressel, France: John and Gloria have just returned from establishing Institute of Theology by Extension Bible school courses in French Polynesia, Tahiti and Huahine. These Bible courses turn Christians into disciples and leaders. John taught on prophecy during this tour. John and Gloria were members with my late wife, Fern, and myself at the House of Prayer in Springfield, Missouri, in the sixties.

Thank You for Your Prayers and Financial Support: Thank you for your prayerful support for this missionary Bible teaching ministry. You may send your donations to one of the post box addresses in the signature block below. Designated funds are forwarded entirely. The Lord bless you.

Yours together in His harvest,

Charles Willner


172 North Phillips Road, Harrod, Ohio, U.S.A. 45850

Open Word Ministries:

P.O. Box 625, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada L2E 6V5

P.O. Box 5001, Springfield, Missouri, U.S.A. 65801

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