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March 2020 Newsletter

Dear Friends and Supporters,

Our Peace Is Based on Understanding Prophecy: The Corona virus, and the unprecedented plague of locusts in Africa, are calling us to depend completely on the Lord for His direction and provision. As Israel faced the Red Sea, Moses declared, “Fear not, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, ... And the LORD shall fight for you, and you shall hold your peace. ... And the LORD said, speak ... that they go forward.” (Exodus 14:13-15) Christian, we need to remember that our hope is in the Lord, no matter what happens. We must trust God to lead us, and go forward with God. We cannot be afraid. We must not trust in our strength. We cannot go back. Also, we need to share our hope of salvation with everyone around us so that they too can relax in the Lord. May the peace of God rest in your hearts. Joseph Mugo, Omega Pentecostal Churches, Kenya: Mugo writes that in February, he ministered in Kasarani, Kavote, Meru town, and Tharaka Nithi. The mother church in Meru district is doing well and raising money to build a permanent building. Mugo thanks us for our faithful support. Pray for the churches of northeast Kenya. Somali rebels are threatening to attack Christian churches. They are demanding that Muslims should be given the jobs of Kenyans. Muslims have burnt a couple of Omega churches in the past.

Assemblies of God Bible College, Bukavu, Congo: Aoci Ebongya, the director, is thankful for the funds that have been sent to pay the teachers, and staff for February, for the Second Trimester 2019-20 . The teachers are sitting in the first row, with the students standing behind them. Jeremie Kamimbi, the head representative of C.A.D.A.F. is thankful for his personal support. Ralph & Shirley Hagemeier, and Stephanie, Bible Outreach Ministries, Kalemie, Congo: Ralph writes that most of the pillars (90+) are done on the first wing. Most of the ground is leveled and the foundation of the first floor is being completed. Ralph is preaching in the Bible school chapel, and in church on Sundays. At the Gideon annual banquet, the military pastor of the Protestant church at the military camp has asked Ralph to speak at their church. This year is the 35th anniversary of the Hagemeiers ministry in the Congo. Ralph writes that the population of Kalemie has increased from 35,000 when the Willners were residents there, to more than 500 thousand now! Ralph feels that God has preserved their ministry for His plan and purpose. Ralph is so thankful that God has been working behind the scenes answering prayer before we ever called. Now, the Hagemeiers are looking ahead for what God is dong.

Masangu Lwanyeke, Church of the Good Shepherd, Lubumbashi, Congo: Masangu writes that he has opened churches in Lubumbashi town, in Luwowosi Coty, 370 kms. from Lubumbahi. There are now two churches in Lubumbashi and one at Kolwezi. Masangu thanks us for the personal support sent. (Masangu was assistant pastor of the CADAF church at Kituku when the Willners were resident missionaries in Kalemie, 1981-84.)

Samwel Ratanga, Free Pentecostal Church, Migori, Kenya: Building the new church building at Migori has taken its toll on Samwel. He asks for help to put tiles on the floor. Really, the Lord did a wonderful work to have provided for the construction of this cathedral. Samwel invites me to come and minister again in Migori. He thanks us for continuing to support him for his personal needs. (Charles helped Ratanga to register the Free Pentecostal Churches.) Wallace Kiringia, Sonship Ministry Churches, Igoji, Kenya: Wallace thanks us for his support. His wife has just given birth to another daughter! Wallace continues to minister in his churches. (Wallace was a student at the Bible Teaching Center that the Willners started in Meru town in 1973.) Ruth Scott Kellie, Matumaini Children’s Center, Molo, Kenya: writes to thank us for our support for the lawyer's fees. The land certificates are almost ready. Ruth asks us to pray for rain to plant. Samuel Chibini thanks us for our support to purchase pain medication for his wife, and to pay for drinking water. (The Willners met Ruth Scott Kellie when she visited the Harvest Fields Bible College in Nairobi in 1973-74, where the Willners taught.) Thank You for Your Prayers and Financial Support: Thank you for your prayerful support for this missionary Bible teaching ministry. You may send your donations to one of the post box addresses in the signature block below. Designated funds are forwarded entirely. The Lord bless you. Yours together in His harvest, Charles Willner

_______________________________ 172 North Phillips Road, Harrod, Ohio, U.S.A. 45850 email: home phone: 419 649-6022 Open Word Ministries: P.O. Box 625, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada L2E 6V5 P.O. Box 5001, Springfield, Missouri, U.S.A. 65801

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