January 2020 Newsletter
Dear Friends and Supporters;
Thank you for your faithful support of this missionary Bible teaching ministry. 2020 Promises To Be A Year Of Outreach: “I know your works: Behold, I have set before you an open door, and no man can shut it: for you have a little strength, and have kept my word, and have not denied my name.” (Revelation 3:8) Many different outreaches are being planned for 2020. Plans are being made to hold an evangelistic meeting in every large city in Africa. The Pentecostal and Charismatic Fellowship will hold their conference in May in Kampala, Uganda. In Lima, Ohio, a “Fill the Stadium” event is being planned for the 10,000 seat stadium in May. Perhaps the Spirit of God is moving to demonstrate the unity of the body of Christ in your community. Missionary David Livingstone: The great missionary David Livingstone took the Gospel to Africa. He lived a life of loneliness and danger. On January 14, 1856, surrounded by hostile people beating war drums like they were going to attack the next morning, he wrote in his journal: “Felt much turmoil of spirit in prospect of having all of my plans for the welfare of this great region and this teaming population knocked on the head by savages tomorrow.” Sitting at his campfire, he knew what was out there in the dark. Then he wrote, “But I read that Jesus said, “All power is given unto Me in heaven and in earth, Go you therefore and teach all nations, ... and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the world.” (Matthew 28:18-20) ... Follow Livingstone’s example. Practice the presence of the Lord in this coming year. ... Jesus Christ never leaves us, never forsakes us. - Adrian Rogers Joseph Mugo, Omega Pentecostal Churches, Kenya: Mugo writes that the good news of the kingdom of God is being preached far and wide. In December, Mugo inaugurated a new Omega church in Merryland at the Coast. He officiated at two weddings in Nairobi, and an end of the year meeting at Kabuti. Mugo is having plans drawn for the new church building at Kianygaga. Mugo thanks us for faithfully supporting him, his family, and the Omega churches.
Community of the Assemblies of God in Africa, Assemblies of God Bible College, Bukavu, Congo: The assistant head of CADAF, Makumo Jean-Pierre, reports that the Second Trimester 2019-20 of AGBC is going on well. Plans are being made to erect a sign by the main road pointing to the CADAF compound. In the picture, the church can be seen on the left. On the lower level are the CADAF offices, surrounded by the high school and primary school classrooms. The head of CADAF, Jeremie Kamimbi, asks God to bless us because of the generous funds sent to file reports for CADAF with the government in Kinshasa. He also thanks us for his personal support. Ralph & Shirley Hagemeier, and Stephanie, Bible Outreach Ministries, Kalemie, Congo: Ralph celebrated his 80th birthday on the field in the Congo! Stephanie writes that they are so grateful for their good health. Stephanie also thanks us for support to help pay the teachers, pay the students who worked off their debts, bought office supplies, and helped to pay for some medical bills and one operation for a teacher. Pray for Shirley for more strength. Kileme Lulika, Bethesda Pentecostal Churches, Kalemie, Congo: Kileme is thankful for the support he received. He is ministering in Lubumbashi to open a new church. Then he will return to Kalemie. Wallace Njeru, Sonship Ministry Church, Igoji, Kenya: Wallace was able to meet forty pastors for three days and taught them the message of “Hearing from God”. Njeru also taught on, going on from basic teachings to understand the divine purpose of the call. Njeru preached in Maua and Igoji, and in Kaliatulla where a Muslim was saved and filled with the Spirit, and he is now an elder. Samwel Ratanga, Pentecostal Free Church, Migori, Kenya: Ratanga writes that he has only now returned home from being sick in the hospital since December. Praise God that the stress of building the new cathedral is now finished. Ratanga thanks us for continuing to support him.
Matumaini Children’s Center, Molo, Kenya: The picture shows Samuel Chibini and his wife, Mary, leaving for the Tenwek Hospital. Praise God, the mass which was removed from her stomach was not cancerous! Chibini thanks God for our prayers and support through the difficult period. May God bless you, your family, and ministry. Ruth Scott Kellie also thanks us for the support we sent. She is going to use it for legal fees to give plots of ground to Pas. Chibini and Charles, her farm manager. Kennedy Maina, Nairobi Pentecostal Bible College, Nairobi, Kenya: Kennedy writes that classes have resumed with a day of prayer. Students have come from Uganda and Burundi. Kennedy is thankful for the opportunity to train ministers from these different countries.
Melchizedek, India: He writes to thank us for the support for his ministry. He has been in full-time ministry since 1984 as an itinerant minister, preaching the gospel and teaching the Word, wherever the Lord opens doors. He speaks in local churches regularly and teaches at a couple of Bible schools with which he is associated. Thank You for Your Prayers and Financial Support: Thank you for your prayerful support for this missionary Bible teaching ministry. You may send your donations to one of the post box addresses in the signature block below. Designated funds are forwarded entirely. The Lord bless you. Yours together in His harvest, Charles Willner
_______________________________ 172 North Phillips Road, Harrod, Ohio, U.S.A. 45850 email: charleswillner@yahoo.com home phone: 419 649-6022 Open Word Ministries: P.O. Box 625, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada L2E 6V5 P.O. Box 5001, Springfield, Missouri, U.S.A. 65801 www.openwordministries.com www.facebook.com/openwordmissionsministries