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August 2018 Newsletter

Hagermeier Family

Dear Friends and Supporters,

Thank you for your support of this missionary Bible teaching ministry.

The Everlasting Covenant; “Yahweh’s ultimate objective in designing the Everlasting Covenant is that His children would mature into His character and likeness and that He might dwell with them in loving fellowship and administration of His creation. It is currently not possible for the Most High, the holy, sinless God, to abide with mankind as he is. Mankind needs to become elevated to the perfection and maturity that is in Y’shua the Messiah.”1 As Y’shua said, “Be therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.” (Matthew 5:48)

“The aim of the Everlasting Covenant is that the redeemed company of mature sons will reach a state of absolute perfection in order that we may live with a perfect and holy God for all of eternity to come.”1 “Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:” (Ephesians 4:13)

“According as he has chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love: Having predestined us unto the adoption (as sons) by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will.” (Ephesians 1:4,5) 1 “The Everlasting Covenant”, Wikipedia

Joseph Mugo, Omega Pentecostal Churches, Kenya: Mugo reports that he had good fellowship as he ministered in Meru town. Plans are being made to move the old temporary church onto the new purchased plot in Kianyaga. The first weekend in August, he is ministering in a seminar and performing a wedding in Kanyuambora. The next weekend, he will go to the Coast for another seminar and another wedding there. The third week in August, the convention will be held in Marurui, in Nairobi. The month of July has been very cold with rains and floods in most of the country. Mugo thanks for our continued faithful support for his family and the churches.

Kalembelembe Bible Institute, Community of the Assemblies of God in Africa, C.A.D.A.F., Fizi, Congo: Director Eciba Ekyochi writes that the Third Trimester finished with twenty-one students. Students are interning in local churches, and evangelizing with people being saved and filled with the Holy Spirit. They are conducting Sunday School for the children of the soldiers. There are seven students who are ready to graduate. But because of insecurity, the graduation ceremonies will not be held until next year. Eciba thanks us for the funds sent to pay the salaries of three teachers, a secretary, and a guard, and to help pay for food for the students. Eciba can no longer teach because of the pain in his hip. One of his eyes has cataracts. Any support given for his medical treatment would be greatly appreciated.

Ruth Scott Kellie, Matumaini Children’s Center, Molo, Kenya: Kellie thanks us for another donation for her personal needs in retirement. She will use the funds to repair the plumbing in her kitchen.

Pas. Samwel Chibili, Molo, Kenya: Chibili thanks us for the donation. It will help pay his water bill. Ralph & Shirley Hagemeier, and Stephanie, International Bible College, Kalemie, Congo: Ralph writes that he and his wife, Shirley, had to leave Stephanie when they came for furlough last year. Then the Lord intervened to provide permission to start building the university. The newly appointed governor has also promised that there will be total exoneration of all taxes! Stephanie is now at home with her parents in Colorado for a few weeks. She is celebrating her parents wedding anniversary, and visiting her adopted daughters, Mathy and Vicky, home from college. We are providing some help for the needy students at I.B.C. to help pay for their tuition.

Assemblies of God Bible College, C.A.D.A.F., Bukavu, Congo: Mukumo Jean Pierre, the assistant representative, and Ebongya Aoci, the Bible school director, have completed all of the documentation for the Third Trimester 2017-18. Fifteen students finished the trimester. Students are preaching in chapel, and they are interning in local churches. Funds were sent to pay the teachers, the secretary, and for food and tea for the students.

Samwel Ratanga, Free Pentecostal Church, Migori, Kenya: Ratanga reports that the walls of their new, larger, church building are now up to the top of the window sills. Ratanga thanks us for another donation received to help pay the builder and purchase materials. Ratanga is monitoring the construction every day.

Kennedy Maina, Nairobi Pentecostal Bible College, Nairobi, Kenya: Director Maina is rejoicing over ninety students who have graduated. Maina thanks us for another donation which is being used to support needy students Richard & Kathy McDonald, Radio Kahuzi, Bukavu, Congo: Richard writes, that their new FM antenna has been returned. Pray for Lord’s guidance to finish tuning and calibrating the antenna. The person who dug the holes for the antenna came to Christ from a pagan religion many years ago. There are now more than one million people in Bukavu. This means that there are more to hear the gospel. (There were only 300,00 when we lived there in 1992-94.) Pray for the Lord to provide the $630.00 for each chemo treatment, and $1,500.00 for the mastectomy for the wife of the former legal representative. “We praise our LORD for his great grace that makes many peoples in several countries praying for us daily, working on our behalf for our journey and the betterment of the family. God is good every time.” Thank You for Your Prayers and Financial Support: Thank you for your prayerfully support for this missionary Bible teaching ministry. You may send your donations to one of the post box addresses in the signature block below. Designated funds are forwarded entirely. The Lord bless you. Yours together in His harvest, Charles Willner

_______________________________ 172 North Phillips Road, Harrod, Ohio, U.S.A. 45850 email: home phone: 419 649-6022 Open Word Ministries: P.O. Box 625, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada L2E 6V5 P.O. Box 5001, Springfield, Missouri, U.S.A. 65801

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