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October Newsletter

Dear Friends and Supporters, Thank you for your support of this missionary Bible teaching ministry. Overcoming In The Midst of Tribulation:

“... but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits. And they that understand among the people shall instruct many;” (Daniel 11:32,33)

Daniel prophesies that the Anti-Christ shall take away the Temple sacrifice and place the abomination that makes desolate. Remember, that Jesus Himself referred to this event. (Matthew 24:15) Yet, Daniel says that those who know their God shall do exploits in the midst of tribulation.

Jesus encourages us to take a stand for righteousness. “Take no thought how or what you shall speak: for it shall be given you in that same hour what you shall speak.” (Matthew 10:19) We are to stand true to God even in time of great tribulation. “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.” (Revelation 12:11) Therefore, let us be strong, even when it seems that world events are going against us, and the Church. Joseph Mugo, Omega Pentecostal Churches, Kianyaga, Kenya: Mugo writes that a new church has been started in Gatugura village. Mugo is thankful for funds for car insurance, and repairing the water pump. He is thankful for the monthly support he receives. Mugo has been known to us since 1972. So far, approximately a total of $4,468.83 has been raised of the $8,000.00 towards the purchase of a quarter of an acre in Kianyaga for the head-quarters church of the Omega Pentecostal Churches. Please pray that the remaining funds can be provided to buy this church ground. Kalembelembe Bible Institute, Fizi, Congo: Director Ekyoci Eciba writes that fifteen students finished the Third Trimester 2014/15. One of the first year students, Akili Musenga, writes that he was born again in evangelistic meetings in Lulimba in 1997. He became pastor of a chapel. After ordination, he became the pastor responsible for all the churches of Lwandiko station until now. Wouldn’t you like to support KBI to train pastors of this caliber? KBI began to receive support in 1993. Ralph & Shirley Hagemeier and Stephanie, Kalemie, Congo: The Hagemeiers are so thankful to those who have supported them for forty-nine years so that they have been able to work full time in the ministry. One day after they arrived in Kalemie from furlough, Ralph began teaching four subjects for a total of ten hours a total of ten hours a week, besides preaching in chapel. Stephanie has 1,200 students registered K-12 school called, “Thibiti” meaning strong. Thank you for your prayers for the Hagemeiers. Ralph first met us in 1983.

Masangu Lwenyeke, Church of the God Shepherd, Kalemie, Congo: Masangu has served the Lord faithfully for more than thirty-five years. He was assistant pastor at the Kituku CADAF church when we arrived in 1981. He oversaw the Cranford Memorial Health Clinic provided through OWM. When he was removed because of tribalism, he started the Church of the Good Shepherd at Kisebwe’s market near the Lukuga River bridge. They have finally paid for a good sized plot and renovated a building for the church. Now they are beginning construction on a permanent building. They will need thousands of dollars to complete this project. You can see how far they have been able to build. Will you give your most generous offering to help them? Ruth Scott Kellie, founder Matumaini Children’s Center, Molo, Kenya: Pas. Samuel writes that Kellie is doing well with her health. Pas. Samuel sent a picture of their Sunday school asking for Bibles. Some support was sent for Kellie and for Samuel. We met Kellie in 1973.

Samwel Ratanga, Pentecostal Free Church, Migori, Kenya: Ratanga writes, we had our convention at Nyamware Mission from 3rd to 9th August 2015 and we saw the hand of God. We had a convention at Radienya from 25th to 27th September. We are planning a youth convention at Nyamware Church in December 7th to 13th. Electricity has been installed and the whole church has been painted both roof and walls. Ratanga is asking God for help with strength for the demanding walks to reach these churches. Years ago, Open Word gave half of the cost to purchase a motorcycle. But recently, Ratanga had to push the bike fifteen miles when the motor broke down again. Open Word has sent $100 to help with the cost of rebuilding the motor. Another $100 is needed for repairs. Ratanga came to Nairobi to meet us in 1973.

Thank You for Your Prayers and Financial Support: May the Lord bless you as you prayerfully support this missionary Bible teaching ministry. Please know that all of these national ministries have been found faithful over many years. Also, we will pass onto them all of the support that you designate to a ministry. We use non-designated funds to meet our other ministry needs. Please send your donations to one of the post office box addresses in the signature block below. Thank you. Yours together in His harvest,

Charles Willner

_______________________________ Open Word Ministries: P.O. Box 625, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada L2E 6V5 P.O. Box 5001, Springfield, Missouri, U.S.A. 65801

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