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May 2013 Newsletter

Dear Supporters and Friends of this Ministry,

Thank you for your continued prayer and financial support for this missionary Bible teaching ministry.

"But of the times and seasons, brethren, you have no need that I write to you. ... But you, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. You are the children of light, and the children of the day; we are not of the night, nor of darkness." (1 Thessalonians 5:1, 4,5)

As we watch the Middle East descend into chaos, we can see how these people are being mustered together into a massive force to invade Israel. It is time to pray for Israel. It is time to pray for our governments. It is time for us as overcomers to press our way into the kingdom of God. It is time for us to be filled with the Spirit of God. As we see the persecution of Christians mounting all over the world, particularly in Muslim countries, let us draw aside and clothe ourselves in a fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit. If we are to be an effective force to usher in the kingdom of God, we need to be anointed with the gifts and ministries of the Holy Spirit. May God bless you as you seek the face of the Lord.

Missons Ministry:

Joseph Mugo, Kianyaga, Kenya:

Mugo reports that their first Omega Pentecostal church in Taita Taveta on the coast of Kenya had thirty-nine people in church on the first Sunday of June. Mugo continues to conduct pastors’s seminars in each of Omega districts. He is planning district conventions for August. He says that the temperature there is colder than when I was there last year, about 40 degrees. Mugo is so thankful for the $300 support he received for May.

Kalembe Bible Institute, Fizi, Dem. Rep. Of Congo:

Director Eciba Ekhochi was thankful for the $870.00 support they received, and for the increase to fourteen students who finished the Second Trimester of 2012-13. Eciba stated that the administration, teachers, and students are showing their spiritual life by their fruits of the Holy Spirit. Their testimonies are bringing people to Christ. They are growing up in their spiritual life. They are seeking the Lord in morning prayers, chapel, and dormitory devotions. They go out on weekends to preach in churches. They are asking for funds to purchase of a mimeograph machine to make notes for their students. Would you pray about the continued support of this Bible institute?

Ralph & Shirley Hagemeier, and Stephanie, Kalemie, Dem. Rep. Of Congo:

The Hagemeiers have returned to their mission in the Congo at the end of May. They flew into Tanzania, and then took a boat across Lake Tanganyika to Kalemie, Congo. The first week of June, they are holding the graduation from the International Bible College. Also there are holding the graduation of the Thibiti School (K–12), which is led by their daughter Stephanie. The Hagemeiers receive $50 a month in support from Open Word.

Community of Free Pentecostal Churches Hospital, Bukavu, Dem. Rep. Of Congo:

Dr. Sosthene Birhange reported that they were so happy for the installation of the solar lighting system in the operating room, the laboratory, and the maternity, and outside security lights. Birhanga is so thankful for the $1,000 that was donated by one foundation. In addition, another $400 has been donated to buy medicines. Donations for medications actually does double duty. The medications are used to treat patients, and the profit from the sale of medications is used to operate the hospital.

Ruth Scott Kellie, Molo, Kenya:

Kellie is very thankful for the $50 which she just received. She is happy to use it for a personal project. Thank you for your prayers for her health, which is continuing to improve. Firdas Ulumwene, Uvira, Dem. Rep. Of Congo: The wife of Firdas was so happy as I talked to her by phone, promising to send her $100 for her funeral expenses. May God bless this minister’s widow.

Thank You For Your Prayers:

Thank God, the ulcers on my foot are healing slowly. By the time that I finished teaching, an ugly ulcer had developed on my right foot, and the skin was breaking down. Thank you for your prayers for complete healing so that I can get out in ministry among the churches this summer. I am also hoping to write and mail out a message.

Praise God for your prayerful financial support for this missionary Bible teaching ministry. To support this ministry each month, you may send your donations to one of the post office box addresses below. May the Lord bless you for your support.

Yours together in His harvest,

Charles Willner


172 North Phillips Road, Harrod, Ohio, U.S.A. 45850

home phone: 419 649-6022

Open Word Ministries:

P.O. Box 625, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada L2E 6V5

P.O. Box 5001, Springfield, Missouri, U.S.A. 65801

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