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Dear Friends and Supporters of this ministry,



Here is my report for week 10 of this year's African Safari.





















Wednesday to Friday, November 5 to 7; Pastor's Seminar, Salem Church, Kalemie, Dem. Rep. of Congo.  

Pastor Lwamba Mbeya welcomed about thirty-five pastors from several different church fellowships for this seminar.  Included were about eight women who are leaders of ministries.


Again, I taught on all three subjects; "The Work of the Holy Spirit", "Pastoral Ministries (the call, giving, and training)", and "The Second Coming of the Lord".  As we talked about those filled with the Spirit groaning waiting for the redemption of our bodies, there was a real witness of the Spirit. (Romans 8:23)  When talking about the resurrection, another brother was quickened that those living when Jesus returns would be changed together with those who came back with the Lord. (1 Thessalonians 4:15-17) 


The pastors were very appreciative of the notes and mentioned how this would multiply these teachings as they ministered these notes to their people.


The treasurer, and the three ladies who cooked, did very well in feeding us each day for three days.  We had tea and bread at 8:30 am before class, and rice, corn meal, greens each day at noon, and meat two of the days.  They collected an offering each day and gave it to me.




















Sunday, November 9; Community of the Assemblies of God in Africa (C.A.D.A.F.), Kalemie:

One thousand five hundred and fifty members from five C.A.D.A.F. churches, Kituku, Central, Hospital Avenue and Daf, met at their largest church at Sympho for this service.  C.A.D.A.F was started by the English Assemblies of God.


There were more than ten choirs who sang giving three hours of Christian music and worship from children to adults, and traditional and modern music.


Again, I taught on, "The Seed of God; Raising our children in Christian homes to serve the Lord". (Malachi 2:14-16)  Abraham commanded his children to serve the Lord. (Genesis 18:19)  We can take nothing to our heavenly Father except our children. (Genesis 44:34) 


In the altar service about one hundred and fifty came forward for prayer for a healing touch from the Lord.  They waited until I laid hands on them and prayed for them, not content for other African ministers to pray for them.  So many had fevers.  This included young children, and mothers with babies on their knees as they knelt.


After church finished, the church leaders and pastors took Jeff and I to a nearby home for a delicious dinner of rice, palm nut gravy, and meat, with pop to drink.


After dinner, they were surprised to learn that Jeff had a large travel company with 600 employees in eighty countries of the world.  They asked Jeff for his advice on growing their churches.  He offered; work hard yourself, do not give up, and do the right thing.


Jeff arrived on Friday, November 7, on a Missionary Aviation Fellowship (M.A.F.) flight from Kigali, Rwanda. When we left today on a M.A.F. flight from Kalemie to Bukavu, Jeff put me in the co-pilot's seat.  When I mentioned that I had taken flying lessons, the M.A.F. pilot offered for me to take the controls and fly.  He watched as I took off.  (He was handling the throttle.)  It was amazing flying over the mountains along Lake Tanganyika.  He took the controls to land in Bukavu.  He complimented me several times on my flying.  Then Jeff flew on to Kigali with M.A.F., to spend the night and return to Nairobi on Kenya Airways.  Then he will fly to Toronto, arriving home on Friday.


This is the first time Jeff has come back to Kalemie since the Willner family left in December 1984 after Laurent Kabila attacked the Kalemie airport to show that then President Mabuto had not gotten 95% of the vote in the previous election.  In our family devotions one night, the Lord quickened to my wife Fern, Take the young child and flee. (Matthew 2:13)  They all left on the next flight of Air Burundi, which was the last flight.  Jeff and I left a week or so later on the boat with the family's belongings in metal trunks.  He went back to Rift Valley Academy in Kijabe, Kenya, to finish his grade twelve.  I arranged my African Safari in 1975 to be at his graduation.  This time in Kalemie is probably the most time I have spent with my son in years.


Jeff and I have so much enjoyed staying here with the Ralph and Shirley Hagemeier, and Stephanie.   Last week, I told you about their ministries with their Bible school, and Stephanie's Thibiti primary and secondary schools, health center, and prison ministry.  They have been so faithful in ministry here since September, 1985, persevering through lootings when they lost fifty thousand dollars worth of goods they had just received in containers, and eight years of civil war.  They have been so hospitable, giving us good American meals.  They have carried me to my speaking engagements.  Stephanie took us around the Thibiti schools and Bible school campus.  Saturday, we all went out on the newly gravelled road twenty miles out of town, and then back to a new hotel on Lake Tanganyika, where Jeff treated us to a delightful meal of Capitain fish.  Monday, Stephanie took us to Lubuye, the Catholic technical high school which the provincial government has just remodelled and painted.  Then we went on to a new technical high school which the government has built.  We went on to a market town, and saw a farming project which has been done by a Belgian Christian widow.


My wife, Gloria, is counting the days until I return home.  Apparently, she discussed with Jeff that he would bring me home with him if my foot was giving me trouble.  Praise God, that He has kept me safe and healthy on this extended safari.  Gloria has been calling me every Sunday afternoon her time, when it is evening here.  She has been wonderful to let me travel in mission's ministry for these twelve weeks.


Thanks again to those of you who are supporting me in ministry.  Your support is appreciated so much.  You may send your offerings to one of the post box addresses in the signature block.  The Lord bless you.


Yours together in His harvest,

Charles Willner


Open Word Ministries:

P.O. Box 625, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada L2E 6V5

P.O. Box 5001, Springfield, Missouri, U.S.A. 65801

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